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Morval Parish Council
Views over the parish of Morval Parish

News Archive

14th June 2024

Emergency Closure - Junction West of Bickham, Widegates

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
Location: Road From Tredinnick Lane End To Middle Trelowia And Onto Junction West Of Bickham, Widegates
Timing: 13th June 2024 to 19th June 2024 (24hours)

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10th May 2024

Urgent road closure on the B3254 between Duloe and Sandplace 13-17 May

Highway maintenance scheme May 2024
B3254 Carriageway Repair Works
As part of our highways maintenance work, a road closure will be in place on the B3254 between Duloe & Sandplace from Monday 13th to Friday 17th May while urgent resurfacing work is carried out.
The road will be closed between the hours of 7 :30am and 5pm We need to implement these measures to give our teams a safe working zone and protect road users while the work is carried out
We will have marshals on site to support residents and businesses needing local access All through traffic will need to follow the diversions in place.

13th March 2024

Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Strategy under review

County Council seeking feedback before Easter

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11th March 2024

Recruitment: Morval Parish Council Clerk/RFO

The above position has become available please see below for more information.

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9th March 2024

Cornwall needs more polling booth staff

… and book now for children’s Easter holiday activities

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26th February 2024

Parish Council’s Trenode field available for rent

Play Area progress delays longer-term options

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14th February 2024

‘Meet the Police’ initiative for Widegates

Speed of vehicles continues to be monitored

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13th February 2024

Widegates residents ready to oppose estate development

Hockey’s Field houses plan gets red card

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29th January 2024

Would you be interested in supporting our Community Speed Watch volunteers? you have access to the internet and a spare hour or so a month?

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23rd January 2024

Road closures; a Police surgery and commemorative D-Day 80 pin badges

More snippets from the monthly Council meeting

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18th January 2024

Playground dreams progress slowly but surely

Application for Government grant aid being processed

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17th January 2024

Terras junction costs would be ‘considerable’

Yellow-line parking restrictions might be an option

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12th January 2024

Sandplace-Looe road to shut for two months

But County County rejects call for speed reduction methods

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10th January 2024

Council decides to back Morval planning application

Former holiday home bosses’ proposal described as ‘lovely’

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29th December 2023

Council money to help with churchyard maintenance

But councillors will now review their grants policy

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17th November 2023

Parish play area scheme progresses

Morval Parish Council bids for extra money in addition to its own reserves

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10th November 2023

Councillors attempt to unravel development process

Sorting the planning field wheat from the administrative chaff…

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13th October 2023

‘Missing’ minutes could have led to hours… of head scratching!

Parish Council to tighten up agenda procedures

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11th October 2023

Police investigating road accident ‘patterns’ in Morval Parish

Terras Bridge ‘indiscriminate’ parking also under review

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10th October 2023

What happens next for Trenode Field…

Parish talks produced no clear-cut answer to parish amenity’s future

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6th October 2023

Bridge and Ferry reserves running perilously low

Daily tolls will have to rise without government intervention

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5th October 2023

County Planners taken to task over Widegates houses

Parish calls for elected committee to rule on Little Chimneys site expansion

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4th October 2023

Green light for Widegates houses?

Parish asked to ‘Agree to Disagree’ with County Planners

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29th September 2023

New rubbish collection rotas coming in the New Year

But Morval will be unaffected (for now!) by new county-wide bins roll-out

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28th September 2023

Councillor calls for urgent road safety measures

Cornish road said to be ‘more deadly’ than any other in county

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27th September 2023

County pledge to resolve school bus issues

Widegates complaints mirrored across Cornwall

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25th September 2023

Council bids for £150,000 grant for Play Area provision

Youngsters give their views on Farriers Way recreation equipment

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21st September 2023

Looe Police Station ‘front office’ to re-open

County councillor also calls for more police in South East Cornwall

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20th September 2023

Widegates ‘Play Park’ meeting this Saturday

Monthly parish council meeting also hears about car parking charges, road safety, Tamar crossing tolls and Trenode school field

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15th August 2023

Keeping You Update with Cornish matters

Here's your chance to have a say on GREEN energy plus… concessionary bus passes, industrial action update, and Cornwall's ‘Start for Life’ pointers…

Download document (pdf)

27th July 2023

It’s Country Fete time!

FINGERS crossed the weather is improving just in time for this Sunday’s major event in the Morval Parish calendar … the Morval and Widegates Country Fete (Sunday, July 30) in the grounds of the Metherell Gard offices by the War Memorial in Morval.Starting at 1.00 pm, the afternoon will be raising funds for St Petrocs and Baby Basics Cornwall (Liskeard).Attractions are likely to include a Dog Show, Live Music, Tombola, Stalls, Refreshments, BBQ and licensed bar.Free entertainment, free entry, fre

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27th July 2023

Introducing our new chairman

MORVAL Parish Council’s new chairman, Andy Jackson, says he is pleased to have been given the opportunity of representing the parish.  Born and raised in rural Oxfordshire, where his mother and father were landlords of The Swan Inn (Ascott under Wychwood), Andy always wanted to join the Army so it came as no shock when, on May 3, 1983, he reported to Woolwich Barracks to start 16 weeks of basic training, followed by six weeks of trade training.  ‘That was where my life changed for ev

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22nd July 2023

Trenode Field open meeting

DESPITE atrocious weather a number of residents attended the Village Hall, Widegates (Saturday, July 22) to express views on possible long-term uses of the council-owned field behind Trenode CoE Primary school.Some years ago now the council bought the land with the intention, inter alia, of providing car parking and a safer pick-up/drop-off area for parents visiting the school. Sadly, on that occasion, those ideas found little favour with Cornwall Council’s highways department.A dedicated play a

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7th July 2023

No Parish Council Meeting in August

Please note the next Parish Council meeting will take place in September.

12th May 2023

Parish Councillor Vacancy

The Parish Council currently has one vacancy which it would like to fill by co-option at the earliest opportunity.

As you will be acting purely on behalf of ALL the Local Community living within the parish, this is an exciting opportunity to have a say on issues affecting your parish and help to shape its future.

If you would like to find out more about the role of a parish councillor, please contact the Clerk for an informal discussion.

Formal applications should be addressed to the Clerk. Closing date 28th June.

11th May 2023

King's Coronation Celebration

As we all know the 6th of May was King Charles III coronation and what a fantastic day it was. On the 7th of May widegates reading room held their celebratory tea party on the green and I would just like to show my appreciation for the hard work that was carried out to make the day a huge success. It was great chance for the community to come together & celebrate which they did in style!

A big thank you once again should go to Andrew Chudleigh who just seems to be everywhere when an event is being organised, and to the Hall committee for their commitment & hard work on the day and prior in organising, also to Dianna Freeman who made the fabulous Union Jack cake which I will admit to having had a few slices! To everyone in the community for the trays of sandwiches, cakes and delicious things that were made & shared. It all helped to bring the community together and showed what can be achieved. Lastly to everyone that stayed behind afterwards and helped with the clean up, it was very much appreciated.

23rd April 2023

New Noticeboard

This weekend has seen the long anticipated installation of the new noticeboard on Widegates village green.
Our thank to those who turned out in the less than ideal weather to get this task completed, especially Andrew Chudleigh.
If you wish to display a notice please email or call 07773 062 174.

23rd April 2023

Parish Council Annual Meeting

This years' Annual Meeting will take place at Widegates Village Hall on Wednesday 10th May at 7pm, to be immediately followed by the regular monthly meeting.

27th October 2022

FREE Defibrillator Training

Wednesday 23rd November, 7 – 8:30PM
Widegates Village Hall

You may be aware that we currently have three defibrillators in our Parish. Why not come along and learn how to use them, just in case of emergency.

Free Defib Training (pdf)

20th October 2022

Morval Neighbourhood Plan - Notice of Referendum

A Referendum will be held on Thursday, 24th November 2022 to decide the question:
“Do you want Cornwall Council to use the
neighbourhood plan for Morval Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood

Notice of Referendum (pdf)

6th June 2022

A message from your Vice Chairman...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the parish who attended the fantastic Jubilee celebrations over the past weekend.

Further to this a very big thank you to the people who went out of their way to organise the events , baking and cooking, sandwich making and of course burger flipping to each & every one of you , your efforts are very much appreciated

Kindest regards
Andrew Jackson
Vice Chairman Morval Parish Council

1st June 2022

Have Your Say on Local Bus Services

There is a meeting at Sheviock Memorial Hall on Monday 20th June at 6pm. Attend to show your support and get the best possible outcome for the area.

1st June 2022

Have Your Say - Meet the Leader of Cornwall Council

There is a meeting on Tuesday 19th July at 7pm at Public Hall in Liskeard.
You are requested to email your question, before the start of the meeting, to or simply let someone know on arrival.

If you don’t have a question to ask but keen to listen to the discussion you are very welcome – just turn up on the night.

6th May 2022

Support for those struggling with money

As the cost of living increases nationally, Cornwall Council has pulled together information about the wide range of help and support available to residents in Cornwall ( .

The I’m worried about money ( page on the Council’s website includes information and links to support provided through the authority and its partner organisations.

This includes everything from debt advice and job-seeking to emergency food provision, council tax discounts and crisis grants for people who suddenly find themselves struggling.

5th May 2022

Event for Ukraine Refugees

Event in Looe Library Saturday 14th May at 10 – 12pm

9th February 2022

Queen's Platinum Jubilee

The Parish Council have decided to purchase commemorative mugs for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and distribute them to all children in the Parish up to primary school age. If you are not on Facebook please contact the clerk if you would like a mug(s) for your children.

19th January 2022

Parish Councillor Vacancy

If you are interested in getting paid to support the Local Community and, at the same time, would like a good introduction to working within a Local Authority environment, this may be what you are looking for. Further details available via the current Clerk. Closing date 26th January.

21st September 2021

Let’s Talk Homes - Housing Survey

The homes we live in affects every aspect of our lives.
Cornwall Council are starting to review the current Housing Strategy* for Cornwall and have some further questions they want to ask of residents, stakeholders, organisations and anyone interested in housing. The answers to these will help them prepare a draft strategy that they will be more formally consulting on this winter.
Please visit the ‘Let’s Talk Homes’ and fill out the survey ‘What Challenges do we face? What should our Priorities and Objectives be?’ by 5pm Monday 8th November 2021.
The draft Housing Strategy will be formally consulted on towards the end of the year with a view that this be approved at Council in April 2022.
Plans are being made to engage with Council Members through the Overview & Scrutiny function alongside colleagues in Planning Policy, Local Transport and Economic Development to ensure that all our emerging Strategies are consistent and complimentary.
*The Housing Strategy is a strategic partnership document and describes what their priorities will be for homes over the next five years and beyond.

14th September 2021

Feedback for Future of Peninsula Transport

The deadline for feedback is Friday 17 September.

The vision is available on this website:

The short feedback survey is available here

2nd September 2021

Parish Councillor Vacancy

If you are interested in getting paid to support the Local Community and, at the same time, would like a good introduction to working within a Local Authority environment, this may be what you are looking for.Further details available via the current Clerk. Closing date 22nd September.

28th July 2021

Widegates Village Hall to reopen

The Reading Room and Village Hall Committee are pleased to announce the opening of the Hall as from the 1st August 2021.
There are still some measures in place for safe use until further notice.
Please contact the Chair, Ann Chudleigh or Sue Aunger for any help that you require.

28th May 2021

Opportunity Knocks - Parish Clerk Vacancy

If you are interested in getting paid to support the Local Community and, at the same time, would like a good introduction to working within a Local Authority environment, this may be what you are looking for.
Further details available via the current Clerk.

12th April 2021

Election of Parish Councillors

Please find attached the list of persons who have been successfully nominated to serve the community of Morval Parish with effect from 10th May 2021.
There still remains one vacancy which can be filled via co-option, after the 10th May. Please contact the Clerk should you be interested in joining the team.

Download document (pdf)

8th April 2021

Widegates - Speed Monitoring

A speed watch was conducted in the village between 8:00am and 8:30am on the 31st March. A total of 68 vehicles were monitored and out of those one vehicle was recorded doing 39mph. The registered keeper of the vehicle has been contacted.
There will be more of these, so if you drive above the limit WATCH OUT!
A separate report stated that it is mainly locals doing the speeding.

26th March 2021

Farriers Way - Development

The parish clerk has been advised that a new contractor has been appointed to complete the works. This follows the inactivity on site since the liquidation of the previous builders.
They will start on Monday 29th March, and the contract is for 12 weeks which means that the last homes should be built by the end of June.

22nd March 2021

NEWS FLASH - Notice of Election - Election of Parish Councillors

Could you be a PARISH COUNCILLOR and take a lead in providing services in your community?
Are you a team player with a 'can do attitude', someone who says "I can do this, I want to enrich and protect the parish we live in"?
If so, now is the time to do something about it, the door is now open, but will close again on 8th April. Take ACTION TODAY!

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Visit website

21st March 2021

NEWS FLASH - Notice of Election - Election of Councillors for Cornwall Council

On the 6th May you will have the right to vote for your preferred Cornwall Council Councillors.
Please go to the Documents tab and you will find the details in the Notices section.

21st March 2021

NEWS FLASH - Notice of Election - Election of the Police and Crime Commissioner

On the 6th May you will have the right to vote for your preferred Police and Crime Commissioner.
Please go to the Documents tab and you will find the details in the Notices section.

8th March 2021

Changes to Lockdown

England is still in a national lockdown. You must stay at home, leaving only where permitted by law, and follow the rules in this guidance.

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7th March 2021

Parish - Rights of Way

Councillors are currently looking at improving the various rights of way we have in the parish and would value your support in identifying ways they can be improved. If you walk the footpaths please speak to your Councillors or contact the Clerk.

4th March 2021

Councillor Elections May 2021 - Join a new team of parish council Councillors

This is an exciting opportunity to have a say on issues affecting your parish, and help to shape its future.

The Government has announced that the Parish Council elections will take place on 6th May 2021.

The Notice of Election will be published on 22nd March 2021. From the date stated on the notice you will have up till 4:00pm on the 8th April to apply for election.

More details to follow…

9th October 2020

NDP Update and Consultation

Progress report!
The NDP Steering Group had a very positive meeting with members of the Parish Council last week and were able to agree some final details in the draft plan, so it is close to being ready for submission to Cornwall Council and the independent examiner.
Parish Council decided not to include Trenode Field as a Local Green Space, as Councillors felt that this designation would hinder or delay future development of the space as a community asset. They will, however, consult with parishioners about any proposals for future use of the field.
A number of ideas raised by parishioners during the consultation process are not directly relevant to the current planning brief of the NDP, and have been listed by the Steering Group in an appendix of future projects. Many of these areas are in fact already being addressed by the Parish Council, so please refer to their website for updates.
Consultation Events:
Widegates Village Hall - Saturday 9th October 10am-12pm
Wednesday 20th October 10am-12pm
Saturday 23rd October 2pm-4pm
Saturday 30th October 10am-12pm
St Wenna's Church - Saturday 30th October 2pm-4pm
Wednesday 3rd November 2pm-4pm