Full News Report
19th January 2025
Play Park update likely this week
THE next meeting of Morval Parish Council takes place at the Village Hall, Widegates at 7.00 pm on Wednesday (January 22).
Among items due for discussion are planning matters – including the pre-application advice for the change of use of an agricultural shed off Lydcott Lane, Widegates, to an ice-cream manufacturing business – routine finances, grant applications, and an update on the Farriers Way play park in Widegates.
Many parishioners will already have noticed that the play park is taking shape at speed but there is still time to suggest a lasting name for the facility (some suggestions have already been received) and, equally as important, or perhaps more so, nominations, or recommendations, are required from members of the public to form a ‘Focus Group’.
That body has to be convened as part of the agreement in receiving the £120,000 grant from Cornwall Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (an offshoot of the Government’s £7.6-million Community ‘Levelling Up’ purse) that has made the play area possible.
The Focus Group, which will, effectively, take the form of a ‘Friends of…’ involving both councillors and members of the general public will oversee the general running and well-being of the park in the months and years ahead.
Members of the public who volunteer will have no financial involvement/obligation in the running of the facility.
The Parish Council, under current chairman, Cllr Andy Jackson, will be establishing this ‘management’ body but now is the time for anyone to express an interest in coming on board.
Cllr Jackson urges anyone interested in joining the ‘Focus Group’ to e-mail: clerk@morvalparishcouncil.org.uk
Reports at this week’s Council meeting are also likely to be received from Police Community Support Officer David Billing and the Cornwall County councillor Armand Toms.
The agenda can be viewed at: https://www.morvalparishcouncil.org.uk/data/uploads/947_1165699475.pdf
Members of the public are invited to attend and while they cannot take part in the actual meeting itself, they can address councillors during a Public Participation session in the first 15 minutes of the meeting.
Each speaker gets a maximum of five minutes, although more can be allocated at the chairman’s discretion.
The official agenda for the monthly meetings always invites ‘members of the public to address the meeting in relation to the business to be carried out at the meeting’ but, in reality, almost anything topic can be raised.
Speakers do not have to give the chairman or the clerk pre-warning of what they will mention – although, as ever, prior notice can be useful if a satisfactory outcome is to be swiftly achieved.
Anyone interested in speaking is also asked to notify the Clerk, Laura Storey (clerk@morvalparishcouncil.org.uk) beforehand as a matter of courtesy.
The Council usually meets on the first Wednesday of the month but, in 2025, that coincided with New Year’s Day, so the session was deferred for a week.
Then, unusually heavy (for these parts) snowfall on Wednesday, January 8, led to the late postponement of the meeting and, coincidentally, the clerk was also unwell.
It was initially scheduled to go ahead on Thursday, January 15, but it later transpired that the clerk would be unavailable that day, so a new date – Wednesday, January 22 – was sought.
Both the chairman and the clerk have apologised to members of the public for any inconvenience caused by the monthly meeting delays.