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Morval Parish Council Website

Latest News

11th July 2024

Tredinnick is back on the map

Volunteers restore an iconic piece of roadside furniture

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29th June 2024

What to expect at the polling station on Thursday…

Cornwall Council’s latest ‘Stay in Touch’ newsletter tells you where to vote, what ID you will need and what to do if you need additional assistance

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28th March 2024

Parish needs to find a new Council clerk

Other news from the Council’s monthly meeting

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23rd March 2024

Council sends Princess best wishes

Prayers for King Charles III and Princess of Wales

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15th March 2024

Community Speedwatch still needs volunteers

Council bids to reduce accident risk in village

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29th February 2024

South West Water responds to Widegates complaints

Cornwall councillor given assurances over pressure concerns

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22nd February 2024

Play Area grant application now under consideration

Fingers crossed for some encouraging news in the coming weeks

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19th February 2024

Looe Police ‘front office’ up and running again

Plans to re-open Liskeard, too

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15th February 2024

Possible bid for 34 new homes in Widegates village

Planning Officer outlines his view on the Lydcott/Morview ‘pre-app’

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8th January 2024

‘Rates’ bill for parish council purposes to rise by just 2p a week

But final Council Tax demands will include increased Cornwall Council and Police charges

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18th December 2023

Parish Council loses planning battle over Little Chimneys

County planners say there is nothing in planning policy by which permission could be refused.

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13th November 2023

Trenode children help lead Remembrance tributes

‘Heaven’s tears’ for the fallen of Morval Parish

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21st July 2023

Bodmin Moor: The World’s 1st Dark Skies Landscape

Bodmin Moor has the World’s first Dark Skies Landscape, but what’s that got to do with Morval Parish and how can our holiday business and residents benefit from it?At the July meeting of the Parish Council, parishioner Mike Willmott urged the parish to get on board.  His presentation pointers are attached.

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17th March 2021

Morval Parish Litter Pick

If you are concerned about the amount of rubbish that people are dropping and throwing out of vehicle windows, and you want to give the parish a 'spring clean', the parish council has available litter pick equipment for you to borrow. If you would like to organise an event, please contact the Clerk for details.

Contact details for the Clerk -

Contact Details

For all enquiries, please contact the Parish Clerk:-

Laura Storey

email address: