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Morval Parish Council

Full News Report

26th January 2025

Urgent appeal for Play Park ‘friends’ to volunteer

ALMOST a dozen ideas for a name for the new play park at Widegates were received by Morval Parish Council and, after discussing them fully at this month’s meeting, councillors opted for the rather neutral suggestion, ‘Morval Parish Play Park’.

Council chairman Cllr Andy Jackson thanked members of the public for putting forward the names – many of which were in recognition of various parishioners’ service and work, and most of them were eminently suitable … and that only compounded the prospect of favouring one person over another.

Cllr Jackson also reminded the public that, under the conditions of receiving a whopping £180,000 Government grant (without which the play area at Farriers Way would still be a dream) that a public-led Focus Group must be formed to oversee the future of the facility.

There is no financial commitment or obligation for anyone volunteering to be on the Focus Group but the Government has reiterated that it has to be formed as soon as possible, otherwise the parish will be in breach of its agreement when receiving the grant.

Morval is already on course to upset the purse string fingers because the Play Park was supposed to have been completed by the end of 2024 as stipulated in another part of the grant conditions.

Weather conditions contrived to make the contractors miss that deadline and, while the Parish Council was given an extension of time, councillors heard at their monthly meeting that work was still behind schedule and it would not be completed until next month.

While the Government is likely to accept that weather conditions were an inevitable reason for the delay, it will still be calling for the Focus Group to be established before the project can be officially handed over to the Parish Council.

The council will be responsible for the ‘management’ body (and will also be represented on it) but anyone interested in helping to guide the facility in the years ahead is urged to sign up for this ‘Friends of…’ organisation as soon as possible, so that the play area’s effectiveness is maintained. 

Further details can be obtained from Parish Clerk Laura Storey, via e-mail:

Said a Government spokesman: “We aim to set up volunteering opportunities linked to the park that will enable people to get actively involved; lead other groups of volunteers and, hopefully, feel that they can become ‘movers and shakers’ within their community, gaining the skills and experience to drive future activities and growth.

“This would also be great for those with spare time, perhaps older people who often have valuable skills, but, crucially, a group of local parents who might, for example, establish an annual ‘play day’ to celebrate what is probably Morval Parish’s most major achievement to date.”

Council chairman Cllr Jackson has again called on anyone interested in joining the ‘Focus Group’ to e-mail: without delay.

“This project represents more than just a new space for our children to play – it symbolises the spirit of collaboration and the power of team-work,” he said.

Meanwhile, work continues on the 800-square metres of land opposite the Morview Estate entrance, with experienced playground supremo Richard Liddle, of Lydcott Lane’s world award-winning glamping business in Widegates, keeping an eye on the contractors’ progress and guiding them when the almost inevitable teething problems become apparent.

Once completed (and an opening ceremony will be discussed in due course), it will make sense to have a couple of warning signs on the main A387 road, denoting an upcoming playground with children playing etc.

Cornwall Council has quoted for the installation of two 76mm posts and four signs… at a cost of £1,363.90 (plus VAT).

Contact Details

For all enquiries, please contact the Parish Clerk:-

Laura Storey

email address: