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Morval Parish Council
Morval House on the Morval Estate

Members of Morval Parish Council

Chairman Andrew Jackson

Tel: 07415 879282

Vice Chairman John Collings

Tel: 07711 901683

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Councillor Jasmine Fullalove

Councillor Stuart Hutchins

Tel: 07713 682850

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Councillor Deborah Kirkland

Tel: 01503 241064

Councillor John Kitson

Tel: 07881 297400

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Councillor Miss Toni Patterson

Councillor Clive Pearn

Tel: 07833 587388

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Councillor Ben Pengelly

Tel: 07812 473973

Councillor Graham Tamblyn

Tel: 07703 222234

Parish Clerk: Laura Storey

Cornwall County Councillor: Armand Toms