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Morval Parish Council
Views over the parish of Morval Parish

Full News Report

25th September 2024

New vaccine for winter respiratory virus

CORNWALL Council’s ‘Stay in Touch’ newsletter has details of a new vaccine, now available for the over-75s, which can give added protection from a major respiratory virus that is most common during the winter months. 

Plus… how to check minor injury locations, opening and waiting times… there’s a new on-line tool for finding out care costs… details about HeadStart Kernow, that delivers a broad range of projects focused on promoting the social, emotional, mental health and well-being of children and young people… your chance to have a say on Cornwall Council’s ten-year plan for leisure facilities… plus much, more more.

For more information and many more snippets of help and advice, please see the attached pdf file from Cornwall Council or visit:

Download document (pdf)