Full News Report
3rd March 2025
Council’s monthly meeting this Wednesday
THE next meeting of Morval Parish Council takes place at the Village Hall, Widegates at 7.00 pm on Wednesday (March 5).
Items due for discussion include a play park update, and applications from one or two local organisations seeking grant aid from the council’s annual discretionary funds.
There could also be further news about the planning application in the Little Chimneys area of Widegates (off the cut-through from the B3253 Looe-Hessenford road and Widegates village).
Reports are also likely to be received from Police Community Support Officer David Billing and the Cornwall councillor Armand Toms.
The agenda can be viewed at: https://www.morvalparishcouncil.org.uk/data/uploads/957_1952480746.pdf
Members of the public are invited to attend and while they cannot take part in the actual meeting itself, they can address councillors during a Public Participation session in the first 15 minutes of the meeting.
Each speaker gets a maximum of five minutes, although more can be allocated at the chairman’s discretion.
The official agenda for the monthly meetings always invites ‘members of the public to address the meeting in relation to the business to be carried out at the meeting’ but, in reality, almost anything topic can be raised.
Speakers do not have to give the chairman or the clerk pre-warning of what they will mention – although, as ever, prior notice can be useful if a satisfactory outcome is to be swiftly achieved.
Anyone interested in speaking is also asked to notify the Clerk, Laura Storey (clerk@morvalparishcouncil.org.uk) beforehand as a matter of courtesy.