Full News Report
4th March 2025
Property Flood Scheme for Cornish residents
CORNWALL Council has received Government funding to establish a new Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Scheme to protect individual properties from flooding.
Anyone at risk of having their property flooded is encouraged to apply for the scheme via the ‘Let’s Talk Cornwall’ web-page (https://cornwall.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8b22106188babc3bc72a50b07&id=2208b25cbe&e=3420d0621c) .
For those affected, Cornwall Council could:
- Provide a certified surveyor to complete a risk assessment to determine how and why their property is at flood risk, and conduct a survey to determine the most appropriate PFR measures;
- Provide a certified contractor to supply and fit the measures to the National Code of Practice standards; and…
- In some circumstances, help to pay for installation
Flooding is said to be a significant risk to many Cornish communities. In some areas, that risk can be reduced through engineering schemes, such as sea walls or rock armour.
However, in many communities those types of protection are not economically or technically feasible.
The Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Scheme is seen as one of the alternatives. PFR can protect individual properties rather than whole communities. It can include flood doors, portable pumps and more.
Please see ‘Let’s Talk Cornwall’ (https://cornwall.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8b22106188babc3bc72a50b07&id=e8038699ea&e=3420d0621c) for more information, including how to apply, or e-mail: floodrisk@cornwall.gov.uk with any queries.