Full News Report
15th January 2025
NHS launches ten-year ‘engagement plan’
AN ambitious ten-year ‘engagement plan’ has been launched by NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly – and it hopes that members of the public, and local authorities, will get on board to help build a health service fit for the future.
Stressed a spokesman for the Bodmin-based NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board: “Your involvement will help ensure that the local needs for Cornwall and Isles of Scilly are fed into the national plan, and we will also use your feedback to shape local delivery.”
The public (and local councils) are being urged to take part in the ten-year plan engagement workshop which will include a series of on-line and in-person engagement events this month and next.
Added the spokesman: “You can register to attend an on-line or in-person workshop (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BC3SVMM), and complete the local NHS ten-year plan survey (available on-line at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/webCIOS), even if you have already completed the national one.
“This is to ensure that insights from local people can be used to improve local services.”
There is also a dedicated webpage – https://cios.icb.nhs.uk/get-involved/nhs-10-year-health-plan/?mc_cid=cced96236f&mc_eid=1e4ff9d310 – which includes further information and will be kept updated throughout the engagement timeframe.
“We want to have the biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS,” said the spokesman. “It doesn’t matter whether you have a lot or a little to say. Your views, experiences and ideas will shape the new Ten-Year Health Plan.”
Any member of the public, or even someone who works in health and care in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, can take part, and for further information (for issues like accessibility and alternative formats), people should e-mail: ciosicb.engagement@nhs.net