Full News Report
12th December 2024
Residents’ help needed to shape new play area’s future
IT’s taken decades to come to fruition and, unfortunately, many parents who worked so hard to secure a play area for Morval Parish have seen their young ones grow into adults and flee the nest.
But, thanks to a £120,000 grant from Cornwall Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (an offshoot of the Government’s £7.6-million Community ‘Levelling Up’ purse) at least the next generation of children will be able to appreciate the results.
Bad weather has slightly blown the contractors’ plans off course but, hopefully, within a few weeks of the New Year, the play area at Farriers Way, Widegates, will be resonating to the sound of young people enjoying themselves.
None of this would have been possible, though, without the willing co-operation and support of the landowners, the Harding family, of Trebrownbridge, who have always wanted to leave an indelible mark on the community their family has served so staunchly down the years.
Work continues on the 800-sq.m of land under the watchful eye of experienced playground supremo Richard Liddle, and the Parish Council, in due course, will be discussing plans for an official opening ceremony and appointing a name for, quite possibly, the most major project in its entire history (Name suggestions, obviously, welcome by e-mail to: clerk@morvalparishcouncil.org.uk)
Once operational a ‘Focus Group’ involving both councillors and members of the general public will oversee the general running and well-being of the park.
Basically, this needs to take the form of a ‘Friends of…’ so that the play area’s effectiveness is maintained.
The council, under current chairman, Cllr Andy Jackson, will be establishing this ‘management’ body but now is the time for anyone to express an interest in guiding the facility in the years ahead.
Said a Government spokesman: “We aim to set up volunteering opportunities linked to the park that will enable people to get actively involved; lead other groups of volunteers and, hopefully, feel that they can become ‘movers and shakers’ within their community, gaining the skills and experience to drive future activities and growth.
“This would also be great for those with spare time, perhaps older people who often have valuable skills, but, crucially, a group of local parents who might, for example, establish an annual ‘play day’ to celebrate what is probably Morval Parish’s most major achievement to date.”
Council chairman Cllr Jackson urges anyone interested in joining the ‘Focus Group’ to e-mail: clerk@morvalparishcouncil.org.uk
“This project represents more than just a new space for our children to play – it symbolises the spirit of collaboration and the power of team-work,” he said.