Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Strategy under review
CORNWALL Council’s Planning and Housing Service is inviting comments on the current consultation on a draft Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Strategy.
“We want everyone to feel safe and a part of their local community and are committed to addressing inequalities,” says Lisa Grigg, the communities support assistant of the county’s Resilient Communities and Neighbourhoods Directorate division.
“This means working with partners to better understand the needs of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities across Cornwall so we can improve the lives of our local resident Traveller communities and provide better outcomes through the development of a new strategy.”
The draft ‘direction of travel’ strategy covers four key areas:
- Celebrating Diversity – to make Cornwall a welcoming place, where equality, freedom, fairness and opportunity are open to all;
- Equality of Opportunity – to improve access for children and young people to education, training and employment and championing an inclusive, regenerative and equitable economy;
- Health and wellbeing – to reduce health inequalities and improve mental wellbeing
- Homes – everyone should live in a decent home and the County Council needs to ensure that there is a wide choice of homes available for all including the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
The deadline for comments is 5.00 pm on Friday, April 26. All feedback from the survey will be analysed and used to shape the final strategy which is due to be considered by the Council’s Cabinet in July.
13th March 2024